
Sharing Good Deeds One Story At A Time

Helping the Littlest Victims of Homelessness

[vc_video link=”″] At any given time, Utah has almost 15,000 homeless with 40% of the homeless population being families. CARE-cuts is a project started just a year ago by a group of friends who wanted to make a difference in their community. They wanted to show the homeless community, and especially the homeless children, they

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Arizona Teen Helps A Blind Homeless Man Living Under a Tree

[vc_video link=”″] Calvin is a 14-year-old middle schooler who felt he had to act when he saw someone in need. Every day for over a week when Calvin would travel to school he would see the same homeless man on the side of the road, camped out under a tree. One particularly hot day Calvin

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Special Group Empowers Refugee Children To Share Their Stories

[vc_video link=”″] My Story Matters is an organization, founded by Amy Chandler, designed to help everyone realize they have a story and that their story is important. My Story Matters seeks out groups who need help getting their stories told and seek to help give them a voice. Most recently My Story Matters has been

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Wheeler Ride Gets Utah Food Bank 42,000 Meals In Just 5 Hours

[vc_video link=”″] June 11th, 2016 was the 13th Annual Wheeler Ride, a charity motorcycle ride hosted by Wheeler Machinery Co., with all rider donations going to the Utah Food Bank and being matched 100% by Wheeler Machinery Co. The ride started on 2100 South in Salt Lake at Wheeler Machinery Co. Headquarters and, this year,

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Reforestation: Balancing The Environment For Future Generations

[vc_video link=”″] Mike Siaperas got interested in conservation by accident. In 2007 he bought a ranch so he could enjoy the outdoors, nature, and the wildlife. Unfortunately though, the ranch he purchased was full of trees. There were no meadows for wildlife; of 600 acres only about a half-acre was grass. Practically anywhere you went

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A Special Needs Group Blows Away The Audience

[vc_video link=”″] Every year this LDS based SNAP (Special Needs Activity Program) puts on a show for the community. With a little makeup, music and months of hard work preparing, these special needs individuals put on a magical performance that the community loves. These performers range from ages 14-75, with all kinds of disabilities covering

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Woman Discovers Hope While Running From Tragedy

[vc_video link=”″] In 2002 Randi’s world was completely turned upside down. She was battling a brain tumor that left her with limited mobility, and then her husband passed away unexpectedly. Reid was Randi’s world. He was her everything, her protection, her future, and just like that he was gone. She felt defeated. Randi started running

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